TIP #1: Keep children organized
As we all know, children need structure and boundaries, this is especially true during challenging times like these.
Make a schedule and keep a routine: plan a daily or weekly schedule together, or give them the chance to create one for themselves with time to learn, eat, rest, help with chores and play!
Here are some ideas to help you.

Realistic Daily Schedule During Covid-19
by Busytoddler.com
Great ideas for creating a realistic daily schedule for toddlers
TIP #2: Keep children learning
Schooling can be either stopped or disrupted and this makes it more difficult for many children to keep up with their education.
Whether online or home schooled, using fun and creative ways at home to learn alongside continued access to educational opportunities will support your children’s development – and of course follow guidance from your children’s school and their teachers.
Here are additional resources to support your children’s learning.

Kid-friendly news
by Squiz Kids
As ChildSafe Business @mumpacktravel says in her recent blog , don’t stress about teaching kids at home during coronavirus – “we love Squiz Kids, an eight minute news and current affairs round up for kids. It’s fun, informative and has a quiz at the end and we listen first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to ease into schoolwork”.
TIP #3: Keep children safe online
Children need to use computers and technology for their education, entertainment and to stay connected with friends and families.
During this time, they’ll be using technology more and will have to spend long hours on screen.
Here are some tips and tools about online safety and online health to support you in keeping your children safe.

Naked Selfie (Sexting) Risks
by ChildSafe Partner: M’Lop Tapang
In a continuing effort to help children and youth understand the importance of online safety, some of M’Lop Tapang’s staff and students developed this short video for children about sexting.
TIP #4: Keep children active and busy
Physical activity is important for children’s health and well-being.
There are many things you can do at home as a family to stay active and have fun, including keeping them active with chores and helping out in family activities such as cooking and cleaning.
Here are links and ideas to keep them busy, keep them moving and burn off their energy.

Cosmic Kids Yoga
by Cosmickids.com
Keep active and fit while you’re stuck at home
TIP #5: Keep children creative
Staying at home can quickly become boring and young brains need challenges and opportunities to grow.
Keep children’s minds alert and interested by organizing time and activities to encourage their creativity.
Here are ideas and resources to keep them busy, creative and having fun.

TIP #6: Manage children’s fears and concerns
It is a worrying time for all and children particularly need help and reassurance in situations like these.
You might be nervous, children are stressed, and living in close quarters is exhausting.
Here are tools and resources to help explain the situation, keep them calm and reassured and to help you manage and cope.

How to talk to your child about coronavirus disease 2019
We’re coping with many worries and fears right now, here is some good advice from UNICEF
TIP #7: Keep children eating healthily
Children need healthy eating to grow and develop. A healthy diet is more important than ever right now, as children need to maintain their immunity and keep a balance with limited physical exercise.
Keep a check on comfort eating, especially sugars and processed foods.
Here are ideas and tips for meals (also a great chance to get them involved and busy).

Top 5 healthy snacks for kids
by Georgina Kiely – Digital food editor
The BBC’s top 5 healthy snacks for kids are waiting to be nibbled at – get together with your kids in the kitchen and keep healthy