Learn the tips and share them!

Our Citizen Tips have been developed to reflect not only the universal child protection issues we all face across the world, but also to directly address issues which may be specific to the culture, beliefs and structures of individual countries. This gives real ownership of the child protection agenda to all citizens, and leads to a greater adoption of the ChildSafe ethos across the country as we work alongside civil society, businesses, the media, the public authorities, everyone, to spread the message as much as we can.
Learn the basics
Road Safety
The main causes for death and injury of children are not wearing helmets on bikes, or seat belts in other vehicles. Children’s physical vulnerability makes them more susceptible to death or severe injury in road accidents.
Protect children, when on a motorbike make sure they wear a helmet. Put young children in the back seat of the car and ensure they wear a seat-belt.
The internet, including instant messaging, chat rooms and online gaming exposes children to pornography, sexual predators, and reputation damage and can lead to social isolation, school drop-outs and depression. Children have an increased access to the internet and other communication tools such as instant messaging, chat rooms and online gaming from their homes, internet cafés and their own phones. This can expose them to pornography, sexual predators and all sorts of illegal activities. Spending long hours gaming or surfing online can also lead to social isolation, school drop-outs and depression.
Tell your children to never share any personal information online (address, school name, phone number, pictures…) and to avoid meeting face-to-face with people they met online.
Children are still too often victims of physical and psychological violence, sometimes perpetrated as disciplinary or educational measures that can have lifelong consequences on their health and development.
Use positive discipline instead of punishment and report acts of violence.
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Children are at high risk of being sexually abused, raped or tricked into prostitution by someone they know and trust. These abuses lead to psychological, emotional and physical trauma. Sex with children is illegal. When visiting places of entertainment, don’t allow yourself in a situation where you might have sex with a child; you can end up in prison.
Teach your children to protect themselves, say NO and walk-away from potential danger. Report acts of sexual abuse immediately.
Children are at high risk of being sexually abused, raped or tricked into prostitution by someone they know and trust. These abuses lead to psychological, emotional and physical trauma. Sex with children is illegal. When visiting places of entertainment, don’t allow yourself in a situation where you might have sex with a child; you can end up in prison.
Teach your children to protect themselves, say NO and walk-away from potential danger. Report acts of sexual abuse immediately.