How everyone gets something out of it

For the local communities
For the organizations
For the volunteers
News articles
Biddle, Pippa. The Problem with Little White Girls, Boys and Voluntourism, The Huffington Post, February 23, 2014.
Brown, Jonathan. Voluntourism Is a “Waste of Time and Money” – and Gappers Are Better off Working in Britain, The Independent – News & Advice, October 24, 2014.
Coldwell, Will. Volunteer Holidays: How to Find an Ethical Project, The Guardian, January 27, 2016.
Kushner, Jacob. The Voluntourist’s Dilemma, The New York Times Magazine, March 25, 2016.
Papi, Daniela. ‘Viewpoint: Is Gap Year Volunteering a Bad Thing?’. BBC Magazine, May 1, 2013.
Papi, Daniela. Why You Should Say No to Orphanage Tourism (And Tell All Tour Companies to Do the Same), The Huffington Post. Posted 20 November 2012.
Purvis, Katherine and Lindsey Kennedy. ‘Volunteer Travel: Experts Raise Concerns over Unregulated Industry’. The Guardian, January 26, 2016.
Rousseau, Noémie. Tourisme humanitaire: la vrai fausse pitié, Libération, August 15, 2016.
Werner Gillioz, Emmanuelle. Le Business de La Pitié, Le Temps, July 1, 2014.
Werner Gillioz, Emmanuelle. Le Nombre D’orphelins Croit Avec La Pitié, Le Matin Dimanche, September 13, 2015..
Werner Gillioz, Emmanuelle. ‘Les Enfants Du Népal Ont Besoin de Soutien, Pas D’orphelinats’. Le Temps, May 17, 2015.
Yes, you can and should volunteer
Tip 1 - THINK! What can you offer?
Tip 2 - THINK! Do your homework on the organization you wish to support.
The organization should have clear online information, financial transparency, a code of conduct and be registered in the country they operate. Before choosing your volunteer project it’s your responsibility to do research and a background check on the organization first.
Tip 3 - THINK! Prioritize your health and wellbeing and come prepared.
Create a checklist of the things you need. If volunteering abroad, confirm the visa situation, obtain travelers insurance and check any health requirements. It’s also a good idea to register with your embassy and identify in-country resources and support should you need them. Don’t forget to look at the political situation in the country you will be visiting to ensure you’re informed and able to avoid any unnecessary risks.
Tip 4 - THINK! Always protect children and put their safety first.
Tip 5 - THINK! Arrive with an open mind and respect the local culture.
Tip 6 - THINK! Leave something behind, take something with you.
Tip 7 - THINK! Share your experience and join the Movement.
And have a real impact
Partners |
El Mawa |
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Bahir Zaf |
Associates |
Apprentis d’Auteuil |
France Volontaires |
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Linkage |
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Bahay Tuluyan |
Enfance |
Associates | Partners |
One sky | Urban Light |
Kids Ark | Anti Human Trafficking and Child Abuse Center |
The Hub | Peuan Peuan |
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration | |
TLDF | |
FED | |
Department Of Juvenile Observation And Protection |
Associates |
Enfants et Développement |