Support the issue

Spreading the word about the orphanage issue is one of the best ways to help – the more people who understand the issue, the better choices they can make.

Share The Reality

Join the Movement and share with your friends: It really helps to spread the word about the orphanage issue – the more people understand it, the better prepared they are to make positive choices to help keep children where they should be – with their family.

Support Families

We know that family, or family-based care, is the best option for a child. Growing up in an institution, at risk of abuse and long term psychological damage is not. Please do not donate to keep children in institutions, instead direct that support to organizations who are working hard together with families and communities to ensure the best for their children.


Please support organizations who do direct work in keeping children out of harmful institutions through supporting families to stay together. Organizations which provide a number of family reintegration and support services, including school reintegration and training for employment for young people in real working environments, supporting them to be independent and productive citizens and helping to break the cycles of poverty which can lead to family break up. They may also include income generation projects which train male and female caregivers in production skills, so they can make goods which can be sold to provide an income to support their family. Children can then go to school and family circumstances be improved, so there is less likelihood of them being coerced into placing their children into care.

So, instead of supporting orphanages, think about donating to these organizations that work to keep families together in Cambodia and elsewhere.  If you know of any others, please let us know.